
The Society for new materials and Technologies is dedicated to developing creative skills and expertise of members, meeting their professional and social needs, and supporting the development of science and technology in the field of new materials and technologies, including their application in manufacturing.

Ďalší ročník Strategického semináru pre podporu spolupráce medzi akadémiou, univerzitami a priemyslom sa bude konať 16.5.2023 od 9:30 na Ústave materiálov a mechaniky strojov SAV, v. v. i. Informácie o programe a prednášajúcich nájdete na stránke Tento 4. ročník bude zameraný na Plán obnovy a jeho...

The Conference SM-2021 (Bratislava, October 26, 2021) follows up on previous biennial conferences organized by Slovak Metal Science Society, which took place from 1997 in Bratislava, Košice, Trnava and Žilina. The main goal is the exchange of the latest knowledge, especially in the field of structural engineering materials. The conference also aims...

FEMS is pleased to announce its brand-new journal, European Journal of Materials in association with Taylor & Francis, a fully open access materials science and engineering journal that covers the functional and structural behaviour of materials.

24. júna 2019 sa konalo na pôde Ústavu materiálov a mechaniky strojov SAV generálne zhromaždenie Spoločnosti pre nové materiály a technológie. Na tomto stretnutí sa zúčastnilo 11 členov spoločnosti, ktorí diskutovali o zmenách stanov ako aj sídla spoločnosti. Dôležitou súčasťou boli aj diskusie o obnove spoločnosti a jej cieľoch a prijímanie nových...

Institute of materials and machine mechanics of Slovak Academy of Sciences in cooperation with Faculty of Materials Science and Technology of the Slovak University of Technology and under the auspices of Society for new materials and technology organize the 2. Join Strategic Workshop for improving the Academy-University-Company Cooperation. The...

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