are inviting you to
13th International Scientific Conference
Structural Materials 2021
Bratislava, October 26, 2021
ZOOM Meeting (For those who articipate on-line):
Meeting ID: 963 3499 3255
Passcode: 050859
Abstracts to download
Keynote Lectures
Oral Lectures
Structural Materials 2021
ISBN: 978-80-974076-1-2 (html)
EAN: 9788097407612 (html)
Publikované Ústavom materiálov a mechaniky strojov, SAV
Zostavovateľ: Alena Opálková Šišková, Jaroslav Jerz
Bratislava, Slovakia, 2021
Language: English
Time Schedule:
9:00 - 9:15 Introduction
9:15 - 10:45 Keynote Lectures
10:45 - 11:00 Tea / Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30 Oral Lectures
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch Break & Lab Tour
14:00 - 15:30 Oral Lectures
15:30 - 16:00 Poster Session
16:00 - 16:15 Closing Remarks
notification letters will be sent by e-mail to the individual who submitted the
abstract. Keynote Lectures are scheduled for 30 minutes per talk: 25 minutes
for speaking and 5 minutes for discussion. Oral Lectures are scheduled for 20 minutes per
talk: 15 minutes for speaking and 5 minutes for discussion. The keynote
speakers will answer the questions of the conference participants also during
the final Panel Discussions. Posters should be prepared in the form of A0 in portrait layout.
Slovak Metal Science Society (SMSS)
Society for New Materials and Technology (SNMT)
Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics of Slovak Academy of Sciences (IMSAS)
Dúbravská cesta 9/6319, 845 13 Bratislava, Slovakia
(Pavilion of Material Sciences in the Slovak Academy of Science Campus in Bratislava - Patrónka)
GPS - DD: 48.170532, 17.068432; DMS: N 48° 10' 13.916'', E 17° 4' 6.355''
Registration fee:
- Members of SMSS and SNMT 40 Eur
- Other participants 60 Eur
- PhD Students 20 Eur
The registration fee includes organizational costs, on-line publication of contributions and refreshments during Tea/Coffee Breaks.
Date: October 26, 2021
The participation fee must be paid by 30 September 2019 to the account of the Scientific Society for Metal Science at the SAS maintained at Slovenská sporiteľňa.
Account number: 0172165477/0900
IBAN: SK5509000000000172165477
Variable symbol: 12015
In the message for the recipient, please state the name and surname of the participant and the name of the organization.
If you do not attend the conference, the paid conference fee will not be refunded, but all conference materials will be sent by post.
Important days:
- Deadline for abstract submission October 08, 2021
- Acceptance of contributions October 15, 2021
- Payment of registration fee October 22, 2021
- All accepted abstracts will be published on-line on conference website.
- Full papers can be published in the journal Acta Matallurgica Slovaca (ISSN 1335-1532), Materials Engineering (ISSN 1335-0803), or Metallic Materials (ISSN 1338-4252 - on-line, ISSN 0023-432X - printed).
Conference Chairman:
Dr. Jaroslav Jerz,
Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics of Slovak academy of Sciences and Active Member of Slovak Metal Science Society.
E-mail: ummsjerz@savba.sk
Tel.: +421 905 746 553
Organizing committee:
Dr. Alena Opálková Šišková, E-mail: alena.siskova@savba.sk ,Tel.: +421 2 3240 1012
Mrs. Mária Lindorová, E-mail: maria.lindorova@savba.sk, Tel.: +421 2 3240 1003